Dynamic Tour Hawaii

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State of HI PUC Authorized-4918-C
US DOT Approved-3897236



Don't Worry!!

Pickup time is flexible for Cruise Ships arriving into Lahaina because many ships from all over the world anchor at this harbor.  Please choose starting time which is 1 hour after arrival time. Please get yourselves on the list for the tenders as soon as you board the ship.  Please provide ship arrival date & time, departure date & time on the reservation.

For those guests staying Lahaina Area, please choose 7:00am start time.

Directions to the Meeting Point

  1. walk out to the main road
  2. you will see the OLD COURTHOUSE
  3. in front of the OLD COURTHOUSE 45 minutes after the arrival or your Cruise Ship
  4. look for “Dyanmic Tour” van

If You Want To Go For A Swim

You will have a chance to swim at waterfalls and at the blacksand beach.  This is ground tour which takes 8 to 9 hours, don’t expect to spend hours at the waterfall or the blacksand beach.  25 minutes to 45 minutes are allotted for waterfall and for blacksand beach.  We have many other highlights to show you.

  1. wear your swim suit layered
  2. bring change of clothes
  3. bring towels, don’t worry your cruise ship can rent it to you
  4. water shoes always helps, but don’t worry, you can wear slippers, crocs,  old tenis shoes…..

Price :

  • Senior(62 & over)    $219.99
  • Adult(12 thru 61)    $229.99
  • Child(3 thru 11)       $219.99
  • Infant( up to 2)        $ 99.99
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